"a valuable conversation starter for a difficult subject. An Authoritative, useful overview of making final arrangements."
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What people are saying about "Do Not Ignore Your Mortality"
The foundational core of our company is simple human kindness. Greg Barnsdale’s unique message perfectly aligns with our company and supports our aspiration of creating meaningful legacies. -Duane Zappitelli; Chief Distribution Officer, Serenia Life Financial
I have yet to meet anyone who has the experience or passion that Greg has, for estate planning. His book and overall message are well thought out and will be of interest to many people. Keep up the great work Greg. ─Louise Doyle; Author | Business Coach; Innisfil ON
As a keynote speaker myself many times, I appreciate the value of a good inspiring message that can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Greg's message is important, timely and sensitive. |
─Jim Reger; Author | Speaker | Consultant; Victoria BC
This book is an invaluable reality check in these turbulent times as emotional reactions take hold worldwide. I strongly recommend you read, absorb, and take action with the recommendations. Greg’s book is recommended reading during good times and required reading today. Take effective action with all the facts.
─Doug Tardif; Author | Producer | Business Coach; Saint Francois de Madawaska NB